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Enda Kenny – Publicity Stunt

Enda Kenny – Publicity Stunt

Enda Kenny went to Berlin today to meet the German chancellor Angela Merkel? A TOTAL publicity stunt and nothing else! He is the leader of the opposition and has no mandate or a need to meet the head of another country.

All changes if he will be the next Taoiseach, but this trip today was nothing else than an attempt to convince people that a) he is welcomed by all big shots and b) that he is already working for Ireland and c) that he won’t have to wait to get elected because the election is just a final confirmation of his new role.

I think it is a silly excercise, but he deserves some points for that trick. It is smart!

Election Debate – A draw?

Election Debate – A draw?

Last night’s first TV Debate on TV3 was interesting and at the same time boring. Boring because there was nothing new, but I wouldn’t really have expected any new revelations. I found it surprising how calm, cool and competent the two participants came across.

Micheal Martin from Fianna Fail  and Eamonn Gilmore from Labour had their first boxing match. Vincent Brown from TV3 didn’t shine in his usual way, but just kept the two combatants under control.

Enda Kenny from Fine Gael refused to attend the debate and I think it was a bad decision. TV3 (and the two combatants) just ignored that, which was a lot smarter than having an empty chair there as initially mooted.

Did it change my opinion about either of the candidates? Well, Gilmore and Martin didn’t embarrass themselves, so that is a good start. I have even less trust in Kenny than before, but neither of the two who did face each other blew me away. I would call it a draw!

I might add more to this later this evening, if I get a chance, so check back if you get a chance. :-)

Election Debate

Election Debate

TV3 debate tonight. It is the first debate of of the election, which takes place on 25 Feb, and the FG leader, Enda Kenny, has – in his wisdom – decided not to appear.  Sure Vincent Brown would have slashed him, as he does with everyone else, but I think it is a big mistake to let the others talk and not be part of the discussion.

I think he is damaging his chances and his reputation. Badly advised! The people in Carrick-on-Shannon (his excuse for not taking part is a meeting there tonight) would survive him not being there.

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